The Annual Christmas Open Studio is Back!

It’s that time again! DECEMBER 14 I will be having my annual OPEN STUDIO! This is a chance to come by and swap ideas, talk commissions, ask about classes and lesson opportunities, tell a story, do a little Christmas shopping, or just take a look at the myriad of projects that are always underway at the studio. I’ll have originals and prints on display, along with stickers and decals. This has become one of my favourite parts of the holidays and I hope to see you here.

My studio is located at 3320 Pedersen street right here in Terrace BC. Doors open at 10am and will be closing at 4pm. There will be a chance to win a DOOR PRIZE package of prints and decals!

    Date: Saturday, December 14th

    Time: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

    Visit Casey Braam’s Website to learn more:

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